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NC AIA Campaign for Growth

Your gifts to our Campaign for Growth enable NC AIA to serve more children and ensure an enduring impact on life skills and mental health among Triangle-area youth.
Gifts will support:
Additional Schools so NCAIA can engage more children by growing from 14 to 25 schools in the next two years
Program Impact so NCAIA can train more teaching professionals
Enhance evaluation of the program

If you would rather donate by check, please make your check payable to North Carolina Arts in Action and send to:
North Carolina Arts in Action
PO Box 51277
Durham, NC 27717
Multi-Year Pledges
To inquire about gifts to be paid over multiple years, please call Katie Heineman at 919-619-0483.
Matching Gift Programs
If your employer sponsors a matching gift program, please enclose your matching gift form to make your
gift go further.
Your contribution is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
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